
This testimonial page is only displaying testimonials that are linked from other pages of this web site. To view many more testimonials Click Here.

Testimonial – Easy Brew Method:

“Received Kombucha culture early this month (April 2014) and just bottled second batch. The no BS approach Scott has is the best, Works like a charm. I will tell other to come here for their Kombucha. Thanks a million!”… W.P.B.

Testimonial – Easy Brew Method:

“I first learned to make Kombucha from a family member, the old fashioned way, and quite frankly, probably still the way that the majority of people do. I never dreamed though, that making kombucha could be so pain free! Scott of Kombucha America is a consummate professional. He has perfected the Easy Brew Method that to me, is ingenious and flawless in every aspect. I am able to brew several gallons at a time, as many as I want, which is usually a lot and I have a continuous supply of my beloved Kombucha.

On equal par with his Easy Brew Method is his dedication to his customers. Since doing business with Kombucha America, I have had several questions, at random times, sometimes many, sometimes just one. No matter what, Scott has always replied to my E-mail with lightning quickness, and if he cannot, he will let you know that he will get back to you as soon as possible. E-mail is just my preferred choice of communication, so I have all my answers in written form instead of in my empty head!

Alternately, Scott also provides his phone contact and answers personally. I have not seen better customer care and service anywhere, anytime! His professionalism and personal concern are both hard to come by in this dog eat dog world, and is unparalleled!

If you are tired of the time worn method of traditional kombucha making and misinformation, it is high time to contact Kombucha America!”… Mike

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Testimonial – Easy Brew Method:

“I did much online research as to the benefits of Kombucha, and then wanted to find a reliable SCOBY source. I was a little hesitant, as I had no experience making Kombucha, and was worried that I’d end up with a moldy product. Nevertheless, I ordered from this website, followed the directions for the Easy Brew Method and by the end of the week had my first batch of delicious Kombucha. I’m now on my third batch.

I’ve made my own home-brewed iced tea for years, and this Easy Brew Method is just as simple. A few minutes of prep and then leave it alone for a week. I’m now eagerly scouring the internet for ideas for second ferments. Thank you for your wonderful instructions and quality product.”… R.M.M.

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Testimonial – Easy Brew Method, Weight-Loss, Energy:

“Hi, I just wanted to give my thanks for sending replacement cultures as per your lifetime guarantee. I also wanted to say that comparing having the tea everyday versus without, I have more energy and feel more rested, feel more optimistic, and have lost weight as well. Also before I ordered I was a little concerned about making the tea correctly, but your easy brew method is excellent. Thanks again!”… K.S.

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Testimonial – Energy, Skin, Digestion, Weight Loss:

“I bought your Kombucha cultures about 8 months ago and let me tell you it has changed my life. I have gotten great results such as, energy, clear skin, better digestion of food and weight loss. I really think that everyone can benefit from this product. I was so surprised how easy it really was to make. It was very affordable too. Thanks so much for providing Kombucha to America. Also thank you so much for personally answering any questions that I had. That really made the difference.”… H.H.

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Testimonial – Feel like I am 40 although I am 70:

“I did not want to make a testimonial until I took it for a while, will I have been taking it for a year, and needless to say I love it. I am 70 years old and I feel more like I am 40. I have not been sick at all, and I really look forward to drinking it. My Son that lives across the street drinks it every day also and loves it. When I first started making it I had a few questions, and you would get back to me right away. Thank you for my feeling so wonderful!”… K.C.

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Testimonial – Quality:

“I recently ordered 2 cultures. I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the quality of the cultures. We have already consumed the first batch of Kombucha, which was wonderfully delicious, and our second batch is nearly finished. Again, we are very pleased with your product and will certainly recommend your company to others. Thank you so much!”… A.S.

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Testimonial – Cancer:

“You don’t have to sell me on the power of the kombucha. I know it works and it is a gift from God literally. My mother passed away of cancer 8 yrs ago. Doctors earlier gave her 6 months to live. She never stopped smoking and drank heavily. Even so I got her to use Kombucha Tea and she started to go into remission. Instead of living only 6 months she lived 4 yrs! She only took maybe 8 ounces a day and sometimes missed a day or two.”… D.M.

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Testimonial – Energy, Detox:

“I just finished my first batch and it is delicious! Much better tasting than the four dollar bottles I was buying.I am starting my second batch tonight. My biggest benefit so far is energy which I desperately need. I am detoxing from severe heavy metal poisoning. Thank you for the help support and a wonderful fun product!”… S.D.

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Testimonial – Ebstein Barr Virus:

“I was diagnosed with Ebstein Barr Virus and my mother hand delivered a Kombucha mushroom. I make it with oolong tea, and as long as I am on the tea, I have not had any further problems or episodes. It truly was and is my miracle.”… S.L.P. 

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Testimonial – Looking younger now!

“I have a stressful job with long hours, lacking sleep most of the time. You can imagine with this kind of life style how my skin looked, tired and dull. I always used brand name expensive serum products to compensate. They did not do much and the sag and dullness grew worse. I learned about this easy to make serum, at first I was hesitant to use it thinking all that expensive serums did not do much so what could this serum do for me? Finally I started to use it. I felt my skins becoming tighter and after a month of using this serum everyone was asking me what was I doing to look younger. Now the sagging tired look is almost gone and not only do I look great but also saved a lot. ? Thanks to Scott who introduce me to this great serum.”… F.Z. 

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Testimonial – Physically 20 at 53:

“I have been drinking Kombucha for 35 plus years. I am 53 and had not been to a doctor since i was 17. When I finally went to a doctor to have a check-up the doctor kept mumbling under his breath “amazing”. Asked what, that I was still vertical, he replied “No, that you are physically about 20″. Never did tell him my secret.”… D.B.

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Testimonial – No wrinkles at 65:

“I have been drinking the tea for all of the last 10 years. I am 65 years old and people tell me I look like I’m 40. I am all but “pain free”, and I have no medical doctor. I don’t use prescriptions of any kind. I take vitamins from a reputable company. I believe the tea has paid a great part in my good health. My Chiropractor loves me. He keeps me in good alignment and is my adviser. He sees no arthritis, I don’t get headaches and I still don’t have wrinkles.”… J.S.

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Testimonial – Fibromyalgia, Arthritis:

“I ordered my cultures late in March and have been drinking the tea since early April. Right away, I noticed that my fibromyalgia was not as bad, and that my arthritis was also less bothersome. After three months I can say that it has helped my pain level greatly, my skin is softer, my nails are smooth and have about lost the linear ridges that were in them. My energy level is way up, and I sleep like a log. I have lost 6 pounds without really trying, and, I think it is regulating my hormones. I have not had a hot flash since I started drinking the tea, and the stiff hairs that were growing on my chin are much fewer. Shoot, when I die, bury me with a gallon of this stuff. I want to pass it around to my new friends in heaven. ?”… S.L.

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