EZ Brew Method Login Info

The below login directions are for customers of Kombucha America who have purchased Kombucha cultures, or the directions, for the EZ Brew Method.

The EZ Brew Method web page login (link lower below) is password protected, when clicking on the below link you will be asked for a password.

A NEW password is now being used. Password is frequently changed.

The new password is – ebm101010 (all in lower case letters)

If you have ordered cultures you will receive printed paper directions for making the tea the old fashion traditional way. I no longer recommend this way of making the tea. Those directions are sent for those who wish to continue to make the tea in this old way and growing the superfluous mushroom.

In the past some individuals have blatantly disregarded the copyright protection of my directions publishing information without my permission. This harms me financially.

Customers must now agree to honor my copyright by not publishing, or giving instructions, or images, to others who might publish this information, and do not give out the password so that others can access the information for free… You can however share with your immediate family members.

As a customer if you should violate my copyright protection or conspire with others to do so… I will tell your mama. You also agree to pay me $50,000.00 for each violation and further agree to pay all attorney and legal expense incurred in the collection of that sum.

If you do not agree do not access the password protected page. IP addresses are recorded.

If you agree using the password given and are ready to login to get the directions:

Click Here

If you have trouble logging in let me know.

Contact me if you need assistance.

Directions for making the amazing Anti-Aging Skin Serum I developed are to be found on another password protected page.

To see the results of using this serum Click Here.


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